Now It’s A Postal Vote On Gay Marriage For Australians

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The merry-go-round on this issue seems to be without end. While polls show over 60% of people want marriage equality and most can’t see any harm in it the parliament has held off passing laws to allow it to happen. This is angering a large percentage of the population. The influence of religious dogma and misguided principles is more at work than ever because the latest move by the government is to hold a postal vote.

Already churches are getting involved and the priests and pastors will be preaching from the pulpit to warn congregations against supporting it. This will further divide the nation and already massive demonstrations are taking place. One member of parliament has lodged a petition against it in the High Court in an attempt to stop it.

The new arrivals to this country are largely Muslim, Hindi, and Chinese in their religious or non-religious ties. One can’t see too many of them voting in support of gay marriage and yet they will all get the vote who have become Australian citizens.

While the last census, taken a few months ago in 1916 shows that some one-third of Australians are not religious. The facts are, however, that they could vote either way because religion is not the only criterion.

Many have a natural hatred towards people who are engaged in same-sex activity. The LGBT community has had a massive uphill battle ever since their behavior was legalized in the latter part of the 20th century. Gradually they have emerged from the closet, so to speak, and openly declared their sexuality to the world. Among them is a highly respected High Court Judge (now retired).

Many politicians are openly gay and so too are a lot of religious folk. They are also found in the teaching and professional areas. None of them are outrageously despised or even looked down on. People, generally, have no qualms about or against them.

This is the nation that was among the first to give women voting rights, reduce the voting age to 18 years, and recognize same-sex marriage partners from other countries in all but Western Australia and the Northern Territory. While we are relaxed and easy to get along with for most things the question is why is this so difficult?

The answer lies in the fact that the marriage act is controlled by Federal politics and here are the most religious people and the most stubborn in power. The last Prime Minister, who put up the notion of a plebiscite, actually studied to become a priest. He maintains strong links to the Church through his associates.

Now the postal vote looks likely to go ahead the country is already witnessing a split in public opinion and this will end up dividing families as well as communities. The majority just want the matter resolved in the normal way through the parliament and leave religious connection and personal hatred out of it.

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